Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board
Paryavaran Bhawan, US Club, Shimla-171 001 (HP)
Phone: 0177-2656559, 2920003; Email: hpbiodiversityboard@gmail.com
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  Access and Benefit Sharing of genetic resources (ABS)
Access and Benefit Sharing of genetic resources (ABS) lies the idea that it is essential for the welfare of the current generation and future generations to allow everyone access to these resources while ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
The concept of Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) was introduced for the first time in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiations in 1992. It is its third goal.
  To summarise, according to the ABS concept, the supplier countries undertake to facilitate access to genetic resources, while the users undertake to share, in a fair and equitable manner, the benefits arising from the access and utilisation of these resources. The additional revenue thus obtained, whether in hard currency or in kind (transfer of skills, supply of equipment, etc.) would be redirected to priority to conservation activities of biological diversity.
ABS Guidelines       Nagoya Protocol      Notification of Normally Traded Commodities, 7 April 2016        ABS e-filing     
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