Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board
Paryavaran Bhawan, US Club, Shimla-171 001 (HP)
Phone: 0177-2656559, 2920003; Email: hpbiodiversityboard@gmail.com
You are Here > Functions > Biodiversity Heritage Sites
  Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHS)
  Biodiversity Heritage Sites are rich Biodiversity Areas and are important components of local ecosystems which are being conserved and managed by the society. The Sites are like existing sacred groves wetlands and traditional crops areas in general which can be declared and notified as Biodiversity Heritage Sites. As per provision under Section 37(1) of ‘Biological Diversity Act, 2002’, The State Government may, from time to time in consultation with the local bodies, notify in the Official Gazette, areas of biodiversity importance as Biodiversity Heritage Sites under Biological Diversity Act.
BHS Guidelines  BHS Notification
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