Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board
Paryavaran Bhawan, US Club, Shimla-171 001 (HP)
Phone: 0177-2656559, 2920003; Email: hpbiodiversityboard@gmail.com
You are Here > About Us > Vision and Mission
Vision and Mission
  Conservation, regulation of the biological resources, sustainable utilization and sharing of benefits accruing out of the use of biological resources and traditional knowledge based on local biological resources on equity and gender basis amongst the stakeholders/conservers of biodiversity in the State.
  1. To regulate access to biological resources of the state with the purpose of securing equitable share in benefits arising out of the use of biological resources; and associated knowledge relating to biological resources.
  2. To conserve and sustainably use biological diversity of the State.
  3. To respect and protect knowledge of local communities related to biodiversity.
  4. To secure sharing of benefits with local people as conservers of biological resources and holders of knowledge and information relating to the use of biological resources.
  5. To conserve and develop areas of importance from the standpoint of biological diversity by declaring them as Heritage Sites.
  6. To protect and conserve threatened species.
  7. To involve institutions of the State in Broad schemes for implementation of the Biological Diversity Act through constitution of Committees.
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