Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board
Paryavaran Bhawan, US Club, Shimla-171 001 (HP)
Phone: 0177-2656559, 2920003; Email: hpbiodiversityboard@gmail.com
You are Here > Functions > People's Biodiversity Register
  People's Biodiversity Registers (PBRs)
People's Biodiversity Registers (PBR) document folk knowledge of status, uses, history, ongoing changes and forces driving changes in biodiversity resources, gainers and losers in these processes and people's perceptions of how these resources should be managed. The documents bring together important locality specific information on biodiversity resources and ecological processes affecting them. The main function of the BMC is to prepare People's Biodiversity Register in consultation with local people. The Register shall contain comprehensive information on availability and knowledge of local biological resources, their medicinal or any other use or any other traditional knowledge associated with them. Preparation of “People's Biodiversity Registers (PBR)”, the PBR is a participatory process requiring intensive and extensive consultation with the people. BMC lead to recognition of conservation oriented local practices such as protection of sacred groves. They help mobilise local communities to prudently manage local biodiversity resources in ways that would promote social justice. There are many encouraging signs globally, as well as within India, such as the coming in force of the Convention on Biological Diversity, forces promoting decentralised democratic systems of governance and institutions of co-management of natural resources which suggest that programmes like PBR will have an important role to play in promoting conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits of biodiversity resources in the coming decades.
Guidelines for Preparation of PBR     Expert Group Notification      PBR Registration       Expert Committee   MoUs
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